Irshad JACKARIA, with a dedicated academic background, has graduated in Purchasing and Finance and post-graduated in Advanced Corporate Strategy, from the University of Natal in South Africa. He is also a qualified member of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply, United Kingdom, where he holds a Graduate Professional Diploma in Purchasing and Supply. He has a diploma in Stockbroking and Financial & Investment Analysis, endorsed by the Stock Exchange of Mauritius and Australia. He has a Masters in eCommerce, and is the author of a published thesis, entitled “ePurchasing – a new vista of opportunities: Focus on the Mauritius Top 100 companies”.
After launching Knowledge of the ART in 2003, and after the initial period where the company offered courses in Business Process Outsourcing, Irshad has developed and lectured through the signature course of Knowledge of the ART Limited, entitled “Banking Operations and Management”. This highly practical course, which is still up and running now in 2023, has been offered for 18 consecutive years, over which we have seen participants from HSC holders with no prior experience to bank’s personnel like tellers, service representatives, officers, supervisors and branch managers of Mauritian banks, as well as graduates in banking, finance and accounting.
In 2008, with the success of the Banking Operations and Management course, Irshad developed, launched and lectured an innovative course, entitled “Financial Services and Investment Planning”, geared towards the stock market and the investment world. This is a higher-level and more specialised course, with a high degree of calculation and analysis, that Knowledge of the ART has launched, today in 2022, for the 14th time.
In 2015, for the very first time in Mauritius, a futuristic course came your way. It opened the doors of opportunities for its participants in the field of Banking, Investment and Finance. It has been fashioned with care and passion by Irshad JACKARIA, all wrapped with specialised skills and techniques. The name of the inspiration was “Private Banking, Investment Banking and Wealth Management”.
Irshad is now in 2024, and since July 2003, the Owner Director and Lead Resource Person of K@RT Limited, and he was voted the ‘most successful young entrepreneur of the year in Mauritius’ in the Shell Livewire for 2004-2005. He is also the Financial Advisor of Cover and Above Limited. In terms of professional development, Irshad earned in 2016 the Chartered Financial Analyst credential and became a member of CFA Institute, Charlottesville, USA, as well as a member of the CFA Society Mauritius. He now delivers a peerless and high-intensity program to prepare participants taking part in the CFA examinations, for Level 1, 2 and 3. As for the pearl on the cherry, we have, since 2019, been a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence, via our public courses, corporate training and seminars. More to come from us ...